Animal Care Alliance's primary mission is to reduce the numbers of homeless and unwanted pets through affordable spay/neuter services. We also endeavor to make reasonably priced veterinary care available to anyone. Vaccinations, wellness care, care for sick or injured pets, various surgical procedures and parasiticides are all available at our clinic. We have digital radiography, ultrasound and in house blood and urine analyzers. Animal Care Alliance is also the only organization within a multi-county area that is licensed by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and US Fish and Wildlife Service to rehabilitate and/or care for orphaned and injured mammals, songbirds and raptors. Approximately 400 squirrels, foxes, raccoons, hawks, owls, eagles and more are brought to us in need of help each year. We also have DR and USFWS Education permits for those animals that are unreleasable but have the right temperament to become an ambassador animal and take them around to education events in local schools and other venues. Our vets and staff enjoy mentoring and education. Every semester, we host several students from local colleges who are interested in making veterinary medicine their life's work. Four of our interns have been accepted into veterinary schools in recent years.