5 doctor small animal clinic located in Walworth, NY 14568 seeking an associate.
- Current pay range 115-160K a year amongst our FT/PT associates. Insurance, DEA, CE, 401K offered as well.
- Digital radiographs, dental radiographs, ligasure, plasma sterilizer, electronic medical records, Sound ultrasound unit (with cardiac probe and table) all heavily utilized. Willing to consider novel equipment purchases upon hiring.
- 7 exam rooms and full staff means we have significant potential for growth with a new associate.
- No emergency call
- Limited exotic work if wanted (pocket pets). This is not a requirement.
- Work/life balance taken seriously. We all have families and hobbies outside of work, and we support one another in cultivating and enjoying them.
- Excellent local school districts (Victor, Penfield, Fairport for some examples) with regional easy access to a multitude of lakes (Great and Finger Lakes) and mountains (Adirondack hiking is a favorite pastime). Good skiing at Bristol hill. High concentration of horseback riding interest (Mendon ponds area). Owner grew up in this area and circled back after school to raise her kids here. It's a safe and beautiful place to live. Owner lives in Macedon with her young family, the other vets live in Rochester, Penfield, Macedon, and Gananda with an assortment of kids, partners, pets, boats, and golf clubs.